# Phases

The nuxt-dashboard-template makes is almost instant to start the development phase.

The build and deploy phases must be consistent: A specific build implies a specific deployment.
They are also quick with the scripts provided.

# Dev

The develop phase is independent of the subsequent type of build/deploy.

First follow the instructions in the Install section.

# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/oscar6echo/nuxt-dashboard-template.git

# choose CSS framework
python select_framework_vuetify.py    ## for vuetify
python select_framework_bootstrap.py  ## for bootstrap

# launch dev server
yarn dev-v   # for vuetify
yarn dev-v   # for bootstrap

# launch cdn server - in other terminal
# if dashboard has "companion" data files
yarn cdn

Open a browser to http://localhost:3000.
With the "hot-reload" dev server running, the changes in the source code are instantly visible.

# Build

Two types of deployments are possible:

  • as directory - standard practice in web development - provided by Nuxt
  • as single file - to cater to specific corporate constraints - with extra scripts

Nuxt performs the build process for deployment as directory.
The single file deployment is then performed, if necessary, by nuxt-dashboard-template scripts.

After you have completed the dev phase you can choose of the build @ deploy paths below.

# Dir-Local

This means "directory local".
The result of this build is folder dist/ to be served under /.

# build
yarn build-dir-local-[f]  # [f] = b or v for resp. bootstrap or vuetify

# add companion files
python copy_cdn_static_to_dist.py

# deploy
yarn start
# or
cd python/scripts
python serve_dir_dist.py

# SF-Local

This means "single file local".
The result of this build is folder python/template/ to be served under /.
It contains the dashboard as a single file ìndex.html and the companion files from cdn/.

# build
yarn build-dir-local-[f]  # [f] = b or v for resp. bootstrap or vuetify

# deploy
cd python/scripts
python serve_dir_template.py

# SF

This means "single file".
In nuxt.config.js adjust the following variables to your case:


The result of this build is folder python/template/ to be served under /SF_SHORTNAME/.
It contains the dashboard as a single file ìndex.html and the companion files from cdn/.

# build
yarn build-dir-local-[f]  # [f] = b or v for resp. bootstrap or vuetify

# deploy
# specific to your organization


This means "github pages".
In nuxt.config.js adjust the following variables to your case:


The result of this build is folder dist/ to be served under /GH_REPO/.
The deploy script copies folder dist/ to the root of the repo gh-pages branch.
Which makes it available at http://github.GH_USERNAME.io/GH_REPO

# build
yarn build-ghp-[f]  # [f] = b or v for resp. bootstrap or vuetify

# add companion files
python copy_cdn_static_to_dist.py

# deploy
yarn deploy-ghp
Last Updated: 12/18/2019, 11:35:11 AM