# Install

To build a dashboard from the nuxt-dashboard-template install the following software.

# yarn

yarn is a package manager for Javascript.
It allows to download, install and use the Javascript npm packages listed in the package.json at the root of the nuxt-dashboard-template repo - and their own dependencies.
It is the standard tool for modern web development, compatible with npm but faster, more secure, more reliable.

Cf. the official yarn install instructions.

# Python

Python is usually not required for frontend web development.
However the nuxt-dashboard-template is specific in several respect:

  • It caters to unusual single file deployments
    While suboptimal in some constrained corporate context this may be the only option
  • It contains 2 CSS frameworks to choose from
  • It manages the dashboard companion static files

This entails extra file manipulation not covered by yarn.
So Python is used to copy/move/merge files on disk.

A fast and convenient way to install Python is to use the Miniconda distribution.

Cf. the official Miniconda install instructions.

# VS Code

Any text editor can do but VS Code is so powerful and flexible that it can significantly improve your workflow - beyond just the nuxt-dashboard-template case, of course.
In particular see the Debug section.

Last Updated: 12/18/2019, 12:40:24 PM